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The Human Mind

The Human Mind Understanding the human mind is something we should try to do, as our minds are telling us things constantly. How we feel about something, how we feel about someone, their energy, how we feel about situations, and it's really important to learn how the brain communicates! If you haven't read my previous blog, here's the link! I did read this quote many times, but I hadn't understood it till a few months ago. "Not everything in your mind is your thought". The human mind sometimes relays information, and that might be it thinking, "Hey, this makes me think about this, maybe it is useful", and since our mind tries to communicate with us, it uses emotions for words. Tbh, that's how babies learn languages so fast. They absorb phrases, and learn from them. They also mix and match and find out what words mean. It's like this :  X + Y = 15 X - Y = 5 They r

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