What life is about

I've been seeing a lot of hatred and death in the world, and it's makes me so sad. I believe it's my responsibility to guide people towards love. A lot of messed up things have been happening, and I just want the world to stop for a while, and think and reflect.

I actually believed for the longest time that I had to make this world a better place, and if I didn't, every bad thing that happened, every bad thing that's happening, and every bad thing that's going to happen, would be on me, because I would have failed in learning from the pain and sadness, and all of that is in vain. Last year, I realized a lot of things, I was pretty depressed because of a few things, and it was me thinking I wasn't getting closer to a place where I could do the things I liked, and where I could influence people, and help them, and let's just say it was hard to have the weight of the world on my shoulders, because every second, something happens. I was worrying about things I didn't have control over.

I had the habit of pushing mostly everything new that made me happy, like listening to new music, or watching movies, things like that. Because I felt that watching or experiencing things that bring me joy when I'm depressed would not have the same effect of me watching or listening to music when I'm happy. Because I wished to experience what the artists, and actors were trying to let us experience, and sadness pretty much overwhelms it sometimes.

I realized I was trying to live in the future, and I started slowly watching shows and movies again. I was watching Avengers: Infinity War, I saw it a few months late actually. There was a scene in the movie where Thor meets his mother in the past, and he talks to her, and he feels like he's a failure, and she says "People are failures at people who think they need to become, and not failures at who they are." Although I didn't feel like a failure, I felt like I was letting everyone and everything down. I resonated with that. 

I live life my way, and I always believed I'd change the world because of who I was, everything that's happened to me in the past makes me who I am. I believe that now as well, this time, I don't have the weight of the world on my shoulders, and I'm going to be doing that by being my authentic self. I'm going to make this world better by being me. I always accept myself for who I am, and I always thought I was perfect the way I was the whole time. I wanted to shed some light on how one can think that and still be depressed. I was depressed because of the world, and external factors. Things I didn't have control over. I accept people for who they are, so I was okay with being sad, and I was trying my best, that's all that mattered to me. I was and will always be true to myself.

I decided to stop waiting for the right time to start making the world a better place, and felt I should just do it. I have, I guess, and because of the things that are happening, I want to do this now.

I believe one of the most important things in life is to love yourself, and the way to do that is by knowing yourself first. One must accept oneself, and start loving themselves. If you don't like something about yourself, change it. One needs to be comfortable in one's skin to love themselves.

People often portray a version of themselves to society in fear of being not accepted, or being disliked, and things like that. I call it people wearing masks. All of you are beautiful without masks. If people don't accept you for who you are, don't accept them, don't wish to be accepted by people that don't accept you. I always felt this is how everyone should be thinking, and I didn't realize it was hard for others to be like this. I saw this video on Netflix's website on inclusion, and I didn't understand why people pretended to be something they were not till I saw it. It was weird for me to see people being fake, and I always felt they should just be themselves, that they should accept themselves for who they are, because I'd accept them for who they are. The people in the video said people often pretend to be something they are not because they are scared they won't fit in. Me personally, I'd never wish to be anywhere I'm not wanted, and I don't care about what other people think. I will always do what I think is right, and I'll always be me. I always think I'm perfect the way I am. This way of thinking, it's not like that for others. I knew that's why, but I had never heard them say it before. The way the person said it, I could understand their insecurity, and I wanted to tell them I thought they were perfect the way they are.

I want to be loved for who I am, and I wouldn't want to be loved for anything else. I don't wear a mask, I'm always me. People should do that as well.

No being in this universe should want to be loved by another that doesn't. If you wear a mask, the person you are with society is the one the others know, and that's not you. I believe everyone should be loved for who they are. I love everyone and everything in this universe.  

Like I talked about in my previous post, every single human being on this planet is one in seven billion, we're all perfect the way we are, we should always always be ourselves. I believe humans are shackled by human society, and they're forced into doing what they want you to do, or behave the way they want to be. This is what I meant by humans wearing masks, and they pretend to be something they are not. I don't wear a mask, I say what I want, I do what I want. I'm the best version of myself. Any other version that people would see me as wouldn't come close.

I believe everyone should think that way. I am tethered to society, and it makes me sad seeing people being shackled by it. Life's about being happy, and using one's free will, and doing what you want. Not what others want, but what you want. Do not care about what others think, or say. It's about what you want. Be true to yourself, be self aware, know what you are willing to tolerate, be kind to yourself.

Quoting myself from a few years ago. There's this way of thinking "You can do whatever you want, It’s your life." People don't know or ignore the 2nd part of the 1st sentence; you can do whatever you want as long as it doesn't affect others. Be respectful.

People stay shackled to human society's rules thinking they can't be nice or kind if they are honest. That isn't true. I'm the nicest and kindest person in the world, and I'm honest. I want people to get to know me for who I am, and not for who I'm not. I'm the realest person in the world. The only way that happens is because I'm me. So people that are afraid they won't be accepted. You should never want to have bonds with people that don't want it.

Unless people can find out the kind of person you are even if you don't take off your mask, if you pretend to be someone else, and a person forms a bond with you, that bond is with an imaginary person. I don't know why humans wear masks, you're all perfect the way you are. If people don't accept you for who you are, good, stay away from them. The right people will accept you, and that's what matters.

If people were honest with each other, and they were respectful, and kind to each other, the world would be a much better place. I've been depressed because of how the world is for a long time, and I see so much sadness, so much manipulation, death, suffering, and sometimes, it's a little overwhelming to think about when I feel I need to do something about this, but I'm going to do it. The way to do it is by making everyone understand what life is about, what emotions are, and making people connect with themselves, and with the world as well. It's not going to happen overnight, but eventually, It will.

The main reasons the world is this way is because 1) Human greed, 2) Abuse of power

There are so many things I feel I should talk about, and it's pretty overwhelming right now. Greed and abuse of power are pretty much rooted with the same thing, but for understanding, I'm making them into two points. There's arrogance, and egos as well. But all of that is due to lack of respect for others. It's sometimes a part of the thinking behind abuse. Every bad thing that happens originates from abuse of power or greed. Torture, rape, bullying, theft, manipulation, death etc. All of these things are due to greed and abuse of power.

Not everyone that lies and manipulates is bad, as there are people that do it to protect others, but I'd still prefer it if everyone's honest. That's not the way to protect people, as lies make more lies, and it reaches a point where it's incredibly hard to tell the truth.

What I was talking about earlier. The thing about some humans is, if they get away with something, they're more likely to do it again as it's easier. The action would have required them confronting their conscience, and if they choose to do it, the 2nd time they do it would be easier as it'll be harder for their conscience to get through to the person, they've already done it once, and they got away with it, so there's usually lesser confrontation the 2nd time, and even more the 3rd time, and so on.

The reason why Batman doesn't kill is because it'd be too easy, there eventually would be no line if he killed everyone that tried killing others. Kira from Death Note killed bad people, and he didn't have lines, he killed innocent people in the end. There are heroes that kill, and they do it out of necessity, to protect people.

That example was to emphasize what I said earlier. Having rules doesn't limit people from being themselves, they exist so they stay themselves. It's ideals in a way.

So when I said people getting away with things, If a person stole something, they'd do it again if their conscience doesn't stop them. It'll be easier and easier till they get caught, and they confront reality. This comes under greed, and abuse of power. Bullying comes under abuse of power. People that bully others do it because they can get away with it. If they realize they can get hurt if they continue, they'll stop. So stand up to them.

There are different types of abuse when it comes to power. Physical strength, mental strength, blackmail, human groups, weaponry and warfare, etc. First is bullying, and hurting people, second is manipulation and hurting one's feelings, manipulation with leverage, and then a number of humans coming together to abuse their numbers. There's weaponry as well.

It's sad that people that have power tend to use it to oppress other beings, instead of helping them. True strength is helping others, and especially those that can't help themselves. If you're strong, protect people.

In Code Geass, Lelouch says this, "The only people that should kill are the ones that are prepared to die themselves." It's like that for everything. The ones that manipulate should be the ones prepared to be manipulated. The ones that steal should be the ones prepared to be stolen from. Treat others how you'd like to be treated. With respect to feelings, and not just actions, as what you can handle would be different from what others can handle. At the end of the day, be true to yourself, and be respectful.

One of the reasons why there's so much hate in this world is that people don't understand that they constantly differentiate their 'group(s)' with others. For example, slavery. people had the audacity to think that they're superior to someone or something because of who they were, or because of what group they're from, and justified slavery. As long as there are beings that are being abused, there are people going to think it's okay to do these things to others. If you turn a blind eye to something, but fight for other things, there will be people turning a blind eye to what you are fighting for, and the initial thing. 

Some humans hold onto their species, and have a superiority complex, which in their minds, gives them the right to hurt innocent beings. Instead of looking at every being as another inhabitant of our Earth, they tend to abuse their power, and the animals can't speak for themselves, but thankfully, there are a lot of people speaking up for them.

So in the past, Europeans and Americans abducted people from Africa, and enslaved them. Instead of seeing them as fellow inhabitants of our Earth, they enslaved them. I've realized that some humans tend to want to find excuses to do immoral things, so they don't acknowledge the type of person they are. So they said awful things about people that have dark skin, so they could justify it. I don't even want to talk about what their excuses were, as it pisses me off.

For the record, if you're racist, and you're reading this, dark skinned people have dark skin because their bodies protect them from the sun. It's adapting to survive better in places close to the equator. If any of you think you're better than someone else because of your skin color, your opinions don't matter. Don't judge people you've never met.

Another example, Hinduism teaches non violence, but there are Hindus here that sacrifice animals. The people that started it used god as an excuse to kill, and wanted to justify their actions, and eat them. India was 'colonized' by the British, and i'm pretty sure they told themselves whatever they needed to. I don't hold anyone that wasn't a part of that accountable by the way. I actually like the UK. It's about holding the right people accountable, and not the generations after it.

Women weren't allowed to vote in the US in the start, I think. Things like that. There are women that put men into boxes as well, where they stereotype them. Don't judge anyone you don't know. At the same time, be safe, be cautious, that's a good thing. People shouldn't stereotype though. Any sane person would agree with people being cautious.

Even if I've been treated badly by almost every person on this planet, I wouldn't look at the person I haven't met the way I would with people that treated me badly because each and every single person on this planet is different, and I don't make assumptions about people I know nothing about. I'd give everyone a chance.

Loving what you are or where you're from is fine, but you shouldn't close yourself off from people of different heritages. But trusting only people from group isn't the right way to think. Stop putting yourselves in boxes trying to draw lines between yourself and the other 'groups'. I'm not saying trust everyone, and act as if the world's a merry place. I'm saying don't form opinions on people that are similar to you, or different from you without getting to know them. Cause here's the thing, if I spot another Indian in a community, I'd wanna be friends with them. But just because they're from my country doesn't mean they're trustworthy, or they're good people. I would need to find out by getting to know them. A person from my college who I considered a very good friend tried scamming me, and lied to my face. I gave him every benefit of the doubt till I had enough information to know that it was a scam. This was a long time ago. He was Indian, I was nice to him, some people are terrible.

For African Americans or in general, perhaps it's a feeling of knowing someone that might understand what you've been through. What I mean by saying don't necessarily stop yourself from engaging and connecting with people of different cultures, and different heritages as well. Connect with each other.

In the past, people had to hunt and kill for survival, right now, we don't need to. It's 2020, and there are a lot of vegan companies that make meat like food made from plants. It's way better for the planet if it goes vegan, but that shouldn't be the reason it's done. The reason i'm bringing this up is, what happens in slaughterhouses are gruesome, and no one deserves to go through that. The reason why bad people do bad things is also because people turn a blind eye to what goes on in there. For you, it may be an animal. When a bad person kills another person, it's just another person to him. But the truth is, the other person's life mattered to their family, friends, and their community. People are doing it because they can. Animals get abused, and they can't speak up for themselves, these sentient beings on this Earth get bred for the purpose of one day getting killed, and I don't know what kind of a person you'd have to be to do something that'd take away life from a being that's trying it's best to survive, and is full of life, and they make the decision to stop an animate being from ever being animate again. It becomes inanimate, and it's going to stay inanimate till the end of time. It's never going to move again. That's crazy if you see it that way.

 A deer, which is full of emotions, it feels love, It takes care of it's fawns, it feels happiness, it feels fear, it feels anger, it feels anxiety, it feels sadness, etc, and at the end of the day, what all these things say is that it feels alive! It's what it's meant to be like to be alive, to live life.

Life has it's ups and downs, and it's about getting through it all, and moving forward! Every being in this world wants to live, expect humans, of course. There are people that don't want to live, and there are those that take their own lives. It's extremely sad. I really wish to help people that are struggling with mental health issues, and I wish they understand what life is about, so whatever their situation is, I wish I can help them break free of their shackles, and life live for themselves, and aspire to be happy. Even if I help one person, It'd mean a lot to me. Life's hard, but it's worth it, please trust me. Be nice, be kind, be yourself.

To the people that still hold onto their group, remember, a person in your own race can hurt you, and a person from a different race can fight for you.

Form true bonds, bonds based on things like race and species aren't bonds with proper foundations. 
The true foundations of bonds are love and friendship. Friendship is the foundation of love. The truest things stay forever. Love is eternal. Embrace it.

There are bad people in this world, and not everyone wants to be nice. It's sad. The past few weeks have been rough. I saw that a pregnant elephant was fed a pineapple with an explosive, and it didn't know what to do, and it drowned in a lake trying to save itself. I saw people justifying it saying it was for wild boars. How does that make it any less messed up? I also saw a video in the comments of a group of people burying a mountain goat alive because it didn't die after being shot. I couldn't watch the whole video. I was going through a lot of emotions that time. It was so confused, and helpless, like, WHAT IS WRONG WITH SOME OF YOU PEOPLE? Burying an innocent being alive. People need to realize that this isn't just their world. It's everyone's, and they have every right to be here just as much as humans do.

When I mentioned abuse of power with respect to groups, this is what I meant. Having numbers makes people feel like they can do whatever they want. Bullying, or harassing, or torturing, or rape, or war. Things like that. The human race does that with animals. A lot of animals get tortured, raped, and murdered, and it's because humans are more in number.

People invading other countries with their armies in the past, people plundered, raped, and killed people. What happens when there's a larger group of people, and they do that to them? It's about understanding what happens to others, and knowing what that'd feel like, and doing the right thing.

If a person is naturally stronger physically than others, or if a person works hard into becoming strong, and they abuse a person that isn't as strong, that's physical abuse. The person would have put in an effort to become stronger, and would have invested their time to become strong. If the strong person decide to hurt a person that chose to invest their time in something they liked, like art, music, or engineering, then the 2nd person gets hurt. They don't need to be in a situation where they need to protect themselves, but rather have the first person be nice.

The reasons why weapons exist is to nullify one's physical strength, and hard work. They can physically be the strongest person in the world, and if they wanted to hurt and abuse others, a sword or a gun could kill them. So a person that isn't as strong is on equal footing. I am not endorsing having guns by the way. No one's supposed to have guns. America is in this mess because of guns. It's hard to take it away now as well.

The weapon trinity in games is, Swords > Axes > Lances > Swords. Axes are heavy, and require larger swings, swords are more easy to maneuver. Lances are long and heavy, they can't be deflected by swords easily, they counter swords. Axes are heavy, they can tip off lances which leaves the lancer open. These are basic advantages, it's about how one fights that determines who wins. You can win when you have a disadvantage as well. Anyway, humans made guns. People started fighting with guns. Then bombs, and so on. There's bio warfare, and one other thing. Fake news. Some people do whatever they can to try to win. They use other people, and their feelings, for power.

People that manipulate others often think they are smart. If you resort to manipulation, you're stupid, and you're weak. The person is weak because they have to resort to that instead of doing things the right way. Cause if you were smart, you'd have realized that manipulation is never the answer. There's manipulation when the other person doesn't know, and one where they know their wills are being bent to the manipulator's will, blackmail, and blackmail itself is it's own form of abuse of power.

The only ones that wish to bend other people's wills, and play with others' feelings for their own gain, should be the ones prepared to have their wills bent.

I'd also like to say that it's never to late for people to change, and become good. Help people, make an impact! But the only people that can change are those that have the pure intentions of changing. If a person is a bad person, and they pretend to have changed, they're still bad. Your subconscious knows the truth. Bad people will get what's coming to them. If one changes their actions out of fear, you're still who you are on the inside, but aren't acting on it because you're scared. I'd never want anyone to live in fear. Where there's fear, there's no place for free will. One needs to understand what and how others feel, connect, and treat others how they want to be treated.

I can't bring myself to say a few people are irredeemable, cause I don't wish to give up on everyone. But there are people on this planet that don't deserve to be in it. But they can always become good. I'm going to believe they can. If one insists on being bad till the end, they're going to get what's coming to them.

Humans evolve from every thought they have, and they evolve every second. Let your emotions guide you. Karma is not a bitch, but a teacher. The universe tries to teach you every step of the way, and what you have experienced might be something you made someone else feel. If you know what it's like to be hurt, you wouldn't want to hurt anyone else. Cause you've been in their shoes. The universe speaks to those who listen. Life doesn't necessarily give you what you want, but it gives you what you need. Think of it as something you think you need to go through. There are always lessons along the way. I don't want bad people to exist, so they either change, and if they do, they're not the same person anymore, and they're good, or the other option. I want everyone to become good.

When I said bad people will get what's coming to them, I never said good people get good things in return. It's because being good is the basic thing, I guess. But I'd like to say, what you put into the universe is what you get back. There are bad people in this world that can hurt good people. There's free will in this world, and people can do whatever they want. The only way to protect good beings is by making everyone understand love, and understand life.

As for what life is about, life's about being happy. I took a break after graduating form college because I wanted to find out the point of life, as I kinda had an existential crises that time. I don't 'do' things because everyone else is doing them. I saw life that way as well. I wanted to find out what life was about, and why humans did what they did, and why every being in this universe wants to survive. I sort of got my answers, and I realized life was about being happy. Each and every single one of you is great at a few things, and you're all probably passionate about a few things, and if you haven't found them yet, keep looking, you'll find them! Do what makes you happy. Be true to yourself. Be kind to yourself. Love yourself first, as if you start loving yourself, you'll start loving everyone else as well. Do what YOU want. Don't give into peer pressure, or family pressure. You know what makes you comfortable, and what doesn't. You know what would make you happy, and what wouldn't. It's YOUR life. You're going to be the one that lives it. Live life with no regrets. Listen to what others have to say, but do what you want, and what you think is right. Insight is good, but be firm on what you want. It all comes down to how much you want something. If you're willing to do what it takes to be an artist, and put in a lot of hours everyday, you'll probably be great. 

The thing is, I was forced to learn French in school in the 10th grade, I was forced to study it, and pass the tests. But in college, I started watching anime, and I can speak Japanese to a good extent now because I genuinely liked the language, and I wanted to learn it. I don't know how to read and write in it, and I'm not going to learn it, but I could speak it without doing the things I did for French. It was natural.

I loved Physics and I started liking Chemistry towards the end of high school, and I really disliked Biology, and Biotechnology. It was because I couldn't imagine things as easily when it came to biology, and I could with physics. I forced myself to study, and I passed the exam barely in Bio Tech, and I did well in the physics and chemistry exams. There are things that come naturally to me, and just like how I'm great at certain things, there are people that are great at 'abc', and not at 'def'. Like this quote says, everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. Just for school, try to learn everything to a certain extent, and after that, you know? Find out what you're great at. Do what you love. People love passionate people, and if what you do puts a smile on your face, and on others' faces, it's a win win. If it's art, people will buy them, if it's playing video games, people will watch you. You can do whatever you want. Do something you love!

Your mind knows what you like doing, and what you don't. Don't force yourself. At the same time, if you really want to be good at something you aren't naturally good at, you can, with practice and hard work.

One thing I want to add is that in certain cases, you need to know the basics of everything, like in Engineering, In my first year, we had to learn coding, about electronics, electrical engineering, civil, and IT, and mechanical engineering. It's so that an engineer is supposed to know the basics of every field, and the thing about it is, everything is connected. So you're supposed to know everything to an extent. There were subjects I didn't like, but I learnt the basics. So if you're in school, you should learn everything, follow your heart though.

And for people that feel like it's too late to do something, it's never too late! There was this situation 3 years ago or something, and I felt like I was trapped in this situation I was forced into. I never liked being forced into things, and this one, I decided to try it, and there was a lot of pressure, and I was so sad that I couldn't even force myself to smile. I decided to get out of that situation because it was my life, and I had to look after what I wanted. I wanted to live life my way, and anything else wasn't going to be enough. It's about the journey, and not about the destination. If you've ever been in a situation where you felt like you had to get out of it, and you had the courage to do it, I'm proud of you! <3
It's your life, It's about what you want! All of you deserve to be free and feel happy! You're always allowed to feel the way you feel!

If you're at a job, and you hate your life, find out what you want to do, and quit when you can. If you're in a toxic environment, you can leave. If you ever feel helpless, reach out to people, I'm sure there are plenty of good people that are willing to help. If you're true at heart, the universe will help you out.

As for jobs, and companies, and the professional 'space', over the past few years, I've seen a lot of fake people on LinkedIn, and I've seen only a few good employees. If you don't care about your company, and if you aren't passionate about what you do, what are you doing? It's fine if you're great at something you don't like doing, but you'll do a lot better at something you're passionate about. You'll be a lot happier. It's a lot better for your company if there's someone passionate about your role as well. Although it's not always going to be sunshine and rainbows, you wouldn't complain about waking up in the morning, instead, you'd be ready to do what you do! Most people only acknowledge people that others have already acknowledged. People are too lazy to take the time to listen to you. If they cared about their company, they would take the time to. I've talked to a few CEOs, and I've been ignored by people in their companies. It's about how much you care. It's about having the right mindset.

I started writing blogs about life when I was 20, and I think the 3rd one was when I was 23, and it was kind of what I talk about here. I took them down because I said that this world was a terrible place, and I was trying to get people to change. This is my world at the end of the day, I used to think a lot of people were bad, and that's not how I think now. Most humans are innocent. I used to think people that ate meat were bad. That changed when I saw this video of a concert in Japan, and I saw all of them jumping and having fun, and I thought to myself, damn, they're all innocent beings. I have a friend that has a farm or something, and he is a really nice guy, and he went out of his way to help me get better at this mobile game I play. We talk now and then, and he's pretty nice. That blog was called 'The Truth Exists in The Darkness', and I was trying to bring to the attention of people that humans live their lives not thinking about things that are wrong, or unjust. It might be hard to confront the truth sometimes, but what one wishes to see doesn't change the truth. Don't close your senses to the unheard. Deep down, you're all good.

What I talked about before, about human greed, two hundred millions of animals are killed everyday. I was going to say a million a day, and not look it up because I didn't want to see the actual number. Damn. Because people would rather not see the truth. There are many people that think it's okay, and it's a way of life. It's not. Just because it's life doesn't matter to you, doesn't mean it doesn't matter at all. It's life matters to itself, and it matters to me. It's life matters to it's herd, it's family, it's friends. 

Elephants mourn their dead, they protect each other, they take care of each other. Cows are just as intelligent as dogs and cats. Pigs too. Instead of looking at what's different, think about what you have in common. You have the ability to love just like they do.

I know that there are a lot of scientists saying veganism is the way, as they all can see what'll happen eventually, but I don't want to talk about that.

People should change for the right reasons. It's about doing what's right. Because if the planet is stabilized in the future, people would start killing animals again. If people change for the right reasons, they won't.

I also want to say that no one should change for others. You're you. If you don't like something about yourself in terms of your way of thinking, or your habits etc, you should only change yourself because that's what you want. If you're comfortable in your own skin, that's all that matters. Accept yourself.

There's this story about a goose that laid golden eggs everyday. The goose's human took the egg everyday, and sold it. He became greedy, and wanted to get the gold inside the goose so he killed it. He couldn't find any. He never got gold after that because of his greediness.

Some humans tend to lose sight of what's right, and what's important when it comes to money, and they abuse what they have. The animal farms in most places impregnate cows, and attach milking equipment to them, and they don't care about how the cows feel, they rape them, they torture them, and they eventually kill them once they are of 'no use' to them. For money, they lose sight of what they are doing.

The reason why veganism is a thing is because there are people that don't know when or where to stop.
Before, In India, there were people taking care of cows and considered them family, and they also took milk from them. In general, the moment people start seeing it as a business, they start abusing the cows. I saw this video where a cat drank a cow's milk directly without human intervention, and the cow didn't do anything. It was just chilling. If they have an abundance, they don't mind it if other creatures feed themselves with it. But when it becomes a system, people confine them into tiny places, and abuse them. There is no line, and people over-use the voiceless animals, it's abuse. If there's green pastures, and they are super free, and people are respectful, and treat the cows well, and if things are natural, it's fine, but that's not the case in most places. There is this one place in Hungary, Europe that I know of, where they are kind to the cows, and take care of their cows till the end. It's called Krishna Valley. Other than that, I don't know any place like that right now, even in India.

For chickens, eggs that won't fertilize can be taken away, but not the ones that hatch. People eventually decided to take all the eggs. Male chicks literally get shredded for being male, and female chickens are kept for their eggs. Chickens are kept in cages, and in places with a huge number of chickens, and they can't breathe, or walk, or move, and they are made fat for people. 

Most people don't see these things, they see chicken pieces and nuggets or whatever when people say chicken. If you understand what they have to go through, and to end up having to die so they can be a meal, I don't think most people will be okay with that.

Pigs, goats, camels, fish, all these creatures and many more are abused, and terrorized, and killed. Fish literally suffocate and die. I saw a video when I was in school where I saw this one middle eastern guy slit a camel's throat, and there were a lot of people around it, and they were all laughing. It bled to death, and it fell after a few seconds, It was horrible to watch. I sent it to a few of my friends, and they were like "Yo, why are you sharing this?" And I was trying to create awareness, because I was like, Yo??? that time, how could anyone do that? Goats are killed everywhere, pigs as well. It's all so sad.

A group of people never represent a region though. There are a lot of good people in the middle east, and in the world as well.

I'm not saying you're a terrible person if you consume meat or fish, because you can be relatively good even if you do, I just ask you why you would wish to contribute to that industry. Some people fish to clear their mind, but if you think or reflect on the action, you're suffocating a creature. People are disconnected with what's happening, but if they connected to it, they wouldn't do it. I know most of you have grown up eating meat, and it's how you lived, and this isn't something you think about. But now that you've read this, you should. It's 2020, and like I said earlier, there are a lot of companies that have vegan options, that are apparently just as good, and are healthier. There's pet vegan food as well. Read up on this! Check out the alternatives to meat and dairy!

Things are never going to be proper till humans stop exploiting and abusing animals. If slaughterhouses want to stop, and don't know what to do with them, clean the places, and be nice to them, and let them die a natural death. There are NGOs that would help. They need to not be reproduced so that they can be killed. People are naturally going to be more respectful towards other humans if they're respectful towards everything.

The way is to connect with your emotions. Emotions tell you how you feel. Your sub conscience tells you what you feel. Your conscience tells you why you feel a certain way. Emotions make you strong. Everyone's allowed to cry, as they express what words can't describe sometimes. Crying doesn't make you weak, it tells you how you feel, and what is important to you. It doesn't make you any less of a man or something. Because we have things that we care about, and we have feelings. We fight for what we believe in, and being connected with one's emotions makes us stronger.

Superman's strength isn't his powers, but how he loves and cares. Heroes fight for what's right, and heroes fight to protect, and when one fights for something they love, they become stronger. Firefighters are heroes, people in the army are heroes, and people in the medical field are heroes. People that make others smile are heroes. There are a lot of heroes in out planet. I want to thank everyone.

Especially the one that carried the person who carried the weight of the world on their back for a long time. Thank you.

Life's hard. Music helps us get through, movies, shows, art, and sports. Connect to everything. I watch a lot of shows, and I connect to the characters, I cry when they cry, I laugh when they laugh. I connect to them. I understand their pain, their suffering, their happiness, their joy, and it's something that's important to me.

I'm sensitive, and at the same time, I'm thick skinned, I don't care about what others think, as the only person that needs to know my truth is me. I don't have my walls up when I'm making friends, or if i'm with people I care about. Being sensitive isn't a bad thing. I just feel what I feel. It makes me who I am. My emotions and sensitivity are key in making me the strong, in fact, the strongest. It's because I don't wish to lose someone or something that makes me fight harder.

So when people call you sensitive as if it's a bad thing, hold your head up proud and say that you are, and it makes you who you are. It makes you strong.

There's so much I want to talk about . . .

There's this thing about power, and the general saying is, the only people that should become kings or queens are those that don't wish to be kings or queens. I actually don't believe in the concept of kings and queens, as titles don't make one's value or life more valuable than that of others. You can't ask people to fight for you if you aren't there fighting with them. In this sense, it's kind of like, the people that should be in power are ones that don't want it. Because they won't abuse their power. There are good leaders that want to be in positions of power to use it to help people. 

There's also this saying, a king fights for his kingdom, a hero fights for everyone!

Back to what I was saying, In the US, there are power groups that manipulate people to get elected. They play with everyone's emotions, and they use emotional people to get what they want, and they pretend to act as if they care about them, it's an agenda, and they don't care about who suffers, or who dies.

It happens in India as well. The groups copy the blueprint from The US, and they spread fake news, and act as if India is a tyrant country. Whenever I'm on Twitter, and I see the trending hashtags, I see one group spreading fake news, and trying to influence people into thinking things. No offense, but what are you guys doing with your lives? You are spreading hate, and keeping people in an angry state of mind, and you're spreading fake news. People get hurt because of this. There was this thing in my country where they had manipulated the minority community into thinking their religion wasn't included in this immigration policy, and they made them think they were going to be shipped out of the country. So people all over the country protested, and apparently, a woman brought her new born baby to the protests, and she held the baby up in the air, and it became sick and passed away. I heard this story of the terrorist that attacked India in the 26/11 attack, and he thought that India didn't let Muslims pray, or go to mosques, or something, and they fed him so much fake news to get him to attack innocent people. Terrorists are scum of the Earth. A lot of innocent people died that day. And the thing is, if you ever think it's okay to attack innocent people because you're angry at someone or something, there's no difference between you and a terrorist. Because they are angry at governments, and they attack or hurt innocent people to hurt the country. I've lived in New York for a while, and I moved there one year after the 9/11 attacks, It's a sad day for NYC. The US has done a lot of bad things in the Middle East. It has nuked innocent people also, and it's been doing that for a long time. Innocent people in both places have nothing to do with what happened. It's like, if people have a problem with someone or something, talk it out, make a stance, they shouldn't get others involved.

There's this huge divide in terms of what people think in India, and the US, and no one listens to the other group, it's like they are polar opposites, and they cling on to whatever pisses the other group off.
When I see debates, I see people shouting at each other, and closed minded people never listen to what others say.

It's worse in the US, as people shout each other down, and call each other names. To be clear, I don't like either, and I think the people should free themselves from both sides. One group shouts down people that don't align with it's views, and I believe the term is 'canceling someone', and they do that to people that don't agree with what they say. Bad people need to be told off and boycotted, that is true. But they go after people for political reasons, and the bad things they do, they shove things under the rug, and fan the flames with every opportunity. 

I saw this video of Jordan Peterson talking about from 2017 a while ago, and he talks about people not being individuals, and they all have to think like the 'core' of their power, and people have to align with what they say. And it's both groups doing it. People form groups, and make people do things out of fear. People don't want to be seen as a racist person, and to some, that's more important than actually not being racist. There's fear of not being acknowledged as a progressive person than actually wanting to be progressive. Like, a lot of people that claim to be liberal are not liberal. I use the term pseudo liberal for people that want to masquerade as progressive people, when they're hateful towards the other communities. It's actually disrespectful to associate liberalism with people that are pseudo liberal. It's like how feminism is important, and distinguishing that from radical or pseudo feminism.

Be a good person, be progressive. At the same time, people should stop caring about what others say or do. and be true to themselves. Don't let the human society have power over you. You're allowed to defend yourself, but like, to those that matter to you. People want to be acknowledged by others, and sometimes, people go out of their way to do it, and it might be to sound smart, or nice, or something, and my best friend used to do things like that. It's like, I respect him and I care about him for who he is, and he was trying to show others something he wasn't in a way. The ones that respect you for who you are should be the ones who you want around you.

It's okay to not know everything. I don't have all the answers for everything. The one thing I can do is try my best. You're all perfect the way you are. If people don't accept me, I don't wish to be accepted by them. If people do, they do. I accept all of you for who you are. And me writing all of this is also to help you change, because I know you all have it in you to become better. It's so that you start thinking about things in a broader perspective. It's about learning how to think.

I usually take a step back, and view things, and it helps me understand everything better. Like, although I say treat others how you wish to be treated, I've learnt it's also about what the other person can handle. Even if your intentions are good, what happens might be the opposite of what you intend to be. If you wish to make a person smile, you might make them sad. If you wish to protect them, you might end up hurting them. Life's complicated.

So when we're thinking about all of this, I guess the phrase should also be 'try to make others feel how you wish to feel'. Sometimes, being vulnerable can hurt others, as what you can handle, others might not.

Coming back to the topic I was talking about. People are divided by politics, and they define themselves on how they side with. You're all better than that. Especially when you're associating yourself with groups that are after power. You can actively do things to counter global warming, and be a 'conservative'. You can be anti gun, and be for closed borders. Don't let people push you into boxes. 
There are people with no morals on both parties in the US, and people need to distance themselves from them. You're collateral damage for them. I don't like it when innocent people get manipulated, especially when people use their pain.

There are a lot of toxic people on the internet, and I've been watching the type of things people say, and the fan base for Football is pretty toxic. Whenever my team loses, there are tens thousand hate comments, and they attack my team's players, and say bad things about them. Rival fans manipulate other fans by pretending to be one of them, and spouting hate. There was this thing I noticed, and obviously, rival fans wouldn't want their rival teams to do well. So they created an agenda, and they actively try to destroy a player's mental health, and ruin their career. Pundits do it too. They'll slander a good player when he has a few bad games, saying "he's done", and a lot of relatively innocent fans get induced by what they see, and they also start hating them. It's pretty toxic. I've always left nice comments in the past, motivational messages, so in a sea of hate comments, they'd at least find a few good comments. The players need to be mentally strong to not deal with this. There are a lot of racist comments as well. I don't understand how people can say certain things to people.

There was this streamer I used to watch, and she's one of the nicest and most respectable people I know, and I've seen people saying bad things to her in her chat, I've seen racist and sexist comments, and things people shouldn't be saying in general. They get banned, obviously, she's strong, but no one has to go through that. Just because you can take something doesn't mean it's okay.

I've seen toxicity in a male streamer's chat as well. He seems like he's a pretty nice guy, and I see a lot of toxic comments in his chat, and although it might only be 10% of his community or something, he gets 10k viewers on average, most of them are nice, I don't think people should have to deal with it.

Both are Dota streamers. There's a lot going on in the community right now with respect to guys being predators, and being toxic to women in the community. It's so sad and disappointing. There is a lot of toxicity involved. First of all, if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it! I can't fathom why people want to hurt others. What kind of a person do you have to be to randomly attack people? What do you get out of it? It just shows you how immature, and how toxic you are if you randomly hate someone.

I read a lot of shocking posts recently about the Dota professional scene, and on how one person's friend slipped things into a girl's drinks, and another where a guy took advantage of a girl who was drunk, and he sexually assaulted her. I think this happened to another girl as well, and one girl had the courage to speak up because the other one did. It was rape. People that take advantage of people like that are scum of the earth. What the hell is wrong with some people? And this isn't just people in the community, this happens mostly everywhere. There are a lot of predators in this world. I can't imagine their thought process, because of how messed up they have to be to do something like that. If you think it's okay to take advantage of vulnerable girls or people in general, and if you're okay with scarring them for years or their whole life, you will definitely get what's coming to you! If you think you're powerful, you're going to be reminded how weak you are! Everything that you made others go through, you're going to go through them! 

To the girls that don't have the strength to speak up, I wish you get it soon. You should also do it because if the person got away with it once, it could happen to someone else! Don't feel rushed, as it's a lot to process and recollect, and we'd rather not open up old wounds, but if you spoke up, no one else would have to get wounded. Even if it has been years, people should still speak up. Telling people your story heals you, and also makes sure it never happens again. I'd also like to say I'm sorry you had to go through that. No one should ever have to go through it.

I've been seeing a lot of comments on posts where women are speaking up, and I see guys making jokes with fake allegations. "This person did this to me." To the people that do things like that, what is wrong with you? You don't even remotely understand what other people have gone through, and you're making jokes on those posts.

One other thing I want to talk about is there are people that have made fake allegations in the past, about rape, and the thing is, it's because of people like them that actual victims are not believed immediately. If anyone thinks they can lie about rape and destroy people they don't like, although the system doesn't make them get what they deserve, they will!

There are victims traumatized by the things that they've gone through, and there are women that do that.

I read this story about an American Football player, and some girl accused him of rape, and it ruined his career, and after 3 years, it was found to be fake. It's because of people like her that every victim gets questioned. Speaking up would already be hard, and seeing people questioning other victims is going to make it harder. It's actually messed up.

I have this engineering idea to deal with things being mixed into drinks, I should look into it later. But like, I shouldn't have to if people weren't terrible. Being prepared is the smart thing to do, I guess. It's pretty sad.

These are bits from my old blog,

Hate is a pretty strong emotion, and people need to rise above it. I don't hate anyone, and hate is out of my system. Hatred destroys the person festering the feelings, and people need to overcome hatred.

Revenge isn't something to focus on as well. Getting justice should be. Because revenge and hatred are harmful to the person festering these feelings, and they only hurt themselves by having hatred in them. Revenge leaves you with an empty feeling, and it's not worth it. There should be justice, as it shouldn't happen to anyone else. Don't let what happened to you hurt you more.

There's so much hate in this world right now.

Like Master Yoda said, fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering. 
Anger clouds up your mind, It doesn't let you see or think properly. We should control our anger as it can destroy us. One other reason why I took down my old blog was because I used to capitalize every important word in a sentence back then, and I didn't feel like changing everything. :P I skim when I read, and I thought I'd make it easier for people that skim. I used to be short tempered and all that, I'm not now. My rule is that If you are mad at someone, be mad at them and them alone. If someone gets you really pissed and leaves, and if another person comes and messes with you even a little, you might explode on them or even hit them.
Do they deserve it? No
That's what anger does. Control it or you may lose the ones closest to you and regret it for the rest of your life. (If they don't understand that you did it out of anger) The innocent should not get caught in the crossfire. The way I talked back then was different as well, Damn :P
I talked about this in my previous post, and about how anger usually tends to cloud one's judgement. If one's thinking isn't clear when they're angry, they shouldn't do things out of anger. You should check it out if you haven't.
I started learning how to think clearly even when I was angry so that I never say something I don't mean. Being angry isn't a nice feeling. I read this beautiful story a few years ago about a father and a son, and how he teaches him what anger does. It's about a fence, and how the father uses the analogy to explain to his son what anger does. You guys should google it if you want to read it. It's pretty famous.

Manipulative people know what one is scared of, and know that people don't think clearly when they're angry. 
There's so much anger, and there are people that keep others in an angry state. They rile people up, and they use it to their advantage. I actually don't even want to think about what goes on inside the heads of those people that use people's emotions for power. When people say something, think about why they are saying what they are saying.

The endgame for the protests in the US should be reforming the police, vetting the system, funding them more, and getting everyone to comply with being arrested, and if people have been wronged, go to court. I had ideas on what the police should do in my previous post. Check it out if you want!

Time is the most precious resource we have in our lives, if the cops waste your time significantly, they need to compensate the person financially. I don't want the cops to learn about the repercussions because the government is losing money, because it's not the purest intention, and I want them to change the way they operate. They need to do their jobs better because it's what they want to do with their lives. I read this story of a raid on a house for a person that was already in their custody, and they killed a girl during the raid. It screams arrogance and incompetence.

The cops need to be more respectful and be humble everywhere. There are good cops out there, and there are bad cops too. The power groups I was talking about, they are people that want people to resist arrest, and if things escalate, and something bad happens, it'll be easier for them to get votes. Let them search you or arrest you, go to court later. If you're sure they're bad cops, make a complaint. They have their body cams on, their HR dept should look into it. 

I don't want to talk about the political side of things as this post is about life, and it's to let people know they need to be careful around others when it comes to politics. I just want everyone to be safe, no one should have to go through what bad cops make people go through. I read about this poor kid called Elijah dying at the hands of the police. That was because of a complaint on him being suspicious. He was wearing one of those face covering black masks, but the kid was walking in the middle of the street, not creeping in the shadows. The police were pretty aggressive and they choked him, and gave him a sedative. He died because of that. Half of these cops seem incompetent and arrogant. Elijah was an innocent person, and he didn't deserve to die. This happened last year. How hard is it to ask people to hold their hands up while the police look for weapons? They can ask the person questions while they are searching him. I don't think this was racism though, because Elijah had a mask on, and it was night time. The police department really needs to teach people how to behave, and also what to do in different types of situations.

Like I was saying earlier, time is most precious resource you have in your life. No matter what happens, you'll never get time back. Do what you want to do. Live life for yourself. Be kind. Be nice. Be respectful. Spread happiness! Be real. Be understanding. Connect with each other. Make friends. Spend time with people you love. Live life with no regrets.

I know I do. I try to live life my way, and although there are things out of my control, and I might not necessarily be able to do what I want in all situations, it's about accepting them, and moving forward. It's about knowing I tried my best, and that's what matters.

Be selfish. I'm one of the most selfish people in the world. Although that's true, I see people doing things in a heart beat that I'd never even think of doing. I don't know. Be selfish and take care of yourself!

One other thing I want to say is, this is the timeline we're in. Everything that's happened to me makes me who I am. This is the timeline in which I exist. Live in the present. Don't live in the past, don't think about what would have happened if you did something else. Learning from your past is good, accepting your past is good, but don't loom in it. I read this saying when I was 20 or something that I really liked. "It doesn't matter who you were in the past, don't be ashamed of who you become in the future". It's pretty powerful. Don't try to live in the future as well, I also wanted to grow up fast when I was in school. I'm 25 now, and i'm terrified of turning 26. 

I wish this helps at least one person. I spent a few days typing this, and I'd think it was worth it if I helped one person at least. I want to make this world a better place, and like Master Yoda says, "Do or do not, there is no try." I'm helping the world little by little, and eventually, I wish this world becomes a nicer place eventually. I also want to say, If I could snap my fingers and make this world a better place, I wouldn't. Because it's because we know pain that we understand each other, and aspire to be better. The purest intentions are what matter. It's about sustaining peace. There are no shortcuts, they shouldn't even be considered. Wanting to be better is hard work. Understanding pain, understanding sadness, understanding life. 
If you think it's hard, it is. The change starts from us, you should try to become the best version of yourself, the kindest version of yourself, the nicest version of yourself every day, and one day, the world is full of people like that and it will also try to be the best version of itself.

To everyone that's depressed. I want you to know that you matter. Every single one of you has a purpose, and you'll fulfill it by being yourselves! I don't want you to look at your life as if you're just one person, and that your life doesn't matter. It 100% does! You're one person! You matter, your feelings matter. You're allowed to feel whatever you feel! If things don't seem like they're getting better, don't worry, everything's going to be okay! One day, things will get better!

Each and every single vibration influences the course of the timeline we're in. All your actions literally and figuratively have repercussions. I don't want to talk about this much, as it might be overwhelming for some people. If you spread positive energy, there will be positivity in this world. It's that simple. What you wish to do with this knowledge is up to you.

Everything I've learnt, I've learnt through experience. The 25 years have taught me a lot. I'm trying to say, I became who I am today because of everything I did, and went through. I try to understand why things happens. I don't have a degree in psychology, but because I'm connected to my emotions, and I try to understand why things happen, and I learn things. I understand how important emotions are. I spend a lot of time thinking about life and the universe, I've invested time into this that I understand things to a certain level. I'm trying to say I didn't become who I am overnight. All of you have what it takes to be more aware, I guess, keep being yourself, and connect to the universe. All of you are growing at your own pace.

Life isn't a race between you and others, don't compare yourself with others. When people say "You're supposed to have done this by this time" or things like that, Ignore them. You do things at your pace. Life is a marathon, and you run it with your friends and family, and eventually, you will find someone you wish to run with, and continue the journey.You run for yourself, and people you care about. Always remember, It's about the journey, not the destination. Do what makes you happy, and if you can do something, you should. Like travelling, or going to concerts, things like that.

Mewtwo : I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.

It's who you are, and what you do that defines you!

Whatever you do in life, do it from the bottom of your heart.

Love is the strongest thing in the universe. It gives us the strength we need to overcome anything and everything! Love for our friends, love for our family, love for our loved ones, all of it's the same. Family doesn't end with blood, and it doesn't start there either. People that are your friends can love you just like your family does. Parents love their kids not because they gave birth to it, but because they start loving you even before you're born, and you're theirs, and as the years grow by, they start loving you more and more. People who have been adopted can be loved just as much as a birth parents would love their child. Love surpasses things like family relationships. Friends and lovers are the perfect example. These bonds are bonds that weren't forced or obligated. They form on their own, and they grow to be stronger and stronger. Pets are family, they love you with all their hearts. It's because they love purely. They would do anything for you. Humans could learn how to love from dogs. To the people that don't have anyone, the universe loves you! I do too!

Love makes me strong. Love makes me me, to be honest. To me, It's about giving love to everything and everything I love, and it's not about receiving it or something. I love everyone and everything I love because of how I feel, and that alone.

A few years ago, I didn't know if anything was real at one point, but I knew how I felt was real, what I felt was real. What I felt for my mother, my father, my brother, my friends, people I cared about, things I loved, I knew all of this was real. I was trying to understand life, and understanding this was pretty important. I started living life based on how I feel. I think that's the first step that people need to take. It doesn't matter if people don't love me back, I will always love them. It didn't matter to me that I couldn't use my laptop that I had for a long time. I always loved it. Because of what it means to me. What it could do for me doesn't matter, how I feel about it will never change! My brother helped me fix it, so it's back to being operational again <3 I love this universe, and everything in it.

When you love, love unconditionally! Love doesn't bind anything, it frees! What's meant for you will always be for you. What's meant to love you will love you. Be yourself! Love yourself! Everything's going to work out!

Thanks for reading! I know this was pretty long. All of this has been affecting me as well, I really wanted to say something. I could have made this into a mini book or something, but I don't like reading books as much, so I figured a blog post would be fine. I also wanted to say reading books is a good thing. You could learn a lot of things from them. I learn by observing, and watching, and thinking about things. What works for you works for you! 

I stared at a white screen for days as I was writing this, something I don't really like doing, and I can finally go back to sitting in the dark for a while. Once again, I appreciate you for reading it!

This is our world. I might have talked about the darker side of it here. I want to talk about the good things as well. There are a lot of good people here, and the way humans have advanced has been incredible. We should use technology to connect, not disconnect from each other. This is the world I love, and I care about. I really wish this helps you out!

Think about everything I've said!

Love doesn't bind. Love frees!


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